Across the pond, also known as the North Atlantic Ocean, comes word that Norovirus might not be as bad in England and Wales this winter as last. The UK Press Association reports:
Cases of flu appear to be falling across England and Wales but experts have failed to rule out a future rise.
The latest data from the Royal College of GPs suggested cases have fallen from 68.5 per 100,000 people to 41.3 in just one week.
Cases of the common cold have also dropped from 355.3 per 100,000 people to 184.7.
A spokeswoman for the College said it was unlikely that flu would hit a nine-year high as previously predicted.
There is concern that people returning to work from the long holiday break could put others at risk.
Professor Steve Field, chairman of the College, warned that people returning to work and school could easily spread flu and the vomiting bug norovirus.
“GPs are coping and this is by no means a crisis,” he said.
“But I think a lot of people are looking to us because they want a sick note.
“My prediction is that people are coming back to work or school and they are circulating influenza and transferring it to each other. We think cases of flu and norovirus will go up again.”
For more from the UK, go here.