The score for this weekend is Georgetown 192 to USC 130.  Too bad is wasn’t one hell of a football game.  It was instead the count from the norovirus outbreaks being experienced on the two well known campuses on opposite sides of the country.

Georgetown officials put this statement out:

As of 4:00 p.m. Friday a total of 192 patients have sought medical treatment for symptoms related to norovirus. While the vast majority of these individuals remain undergraduate students, for the first time today we became aware of that 2 employees who had been helping respond to students became ill.

At USC, the word was:

University spokesman James Grant says a preliminary investigation found a norovirus to be the cause of campus illness, that led to 1 to 2 days of vomiting, stomach cramps and diarrhea. Grant says the initial findings won’t be confirmed until test results are returned from the county health department in two to three weeks.

The school has ordered 3,000 bottles of hand sanitizer and 2,000 containers of sanitizing wipes to distribute on Monday, when classes will resume as regularly scheduled.

For an entertaining look at what students are putting up with at Georgetown, go here.